Lesson 3: If-Else Statements - Making Decisions Like a Pro


Lesson 3: If-Else Statements - Making Decisions Like a Pro


Imagine you’re at a restaurant, and the waiter asks, “Pizza or pasta?” In your mind, you’re running an if-else statement. If you’re in the mood for pizza, you choose pizza. Otherwise, it’s pasta time. Simple, right?

Well, in Python (and in life, because we’re all coders of our destiny), we do the exact same thing. Except, in Python, these decisions come with a lot less risk of indigestion.

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Lesson 2: Variables and Data Types - Why You Need to Know Where Your Pizza Is Stored!


Lesson 2: Variables and Data Types - Why You Need to Know Where Your Pizza Is Stored!

Welcome back to the second lesson of our Python course! 🎉 After learning how to kickstart Python in our first session, today we’re diving into the magical world of variables and data types. Yeah, I know, it sounds a bit dull, but think of variables as magical boxes where you can store… well, anything, even pizza! 🍕

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Lesson 1: Python - Let's Start the Fun!


Lesson 1: Python - Let’s Start the Fun!

Welcome, Fellow Python Enthusiast! 🐍

Alright, you’ve decided to embark on the grand adventure of learning Python! Don’t worry, this isn’t some snooze-fest like high school math (sorry, math lovers). Python is like that cool, laid-back teacher who lets you eat snacks in class while you learn. So grab your coffee, tea, or whatever fuels your brain, and let’s dive in.

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